Monday, November 30, 2009

Myspace layout help!?

i want my myspace layout skinny!

i cant find the code anywhere..

im not that good with codes.

can some one pleaze tell me the code but i dont want to have to edit my whole layout.

thanx heaps :]

Myspace layout help!?

Code at site below.

Myspace layout help!?

go there

Myspace layout help!?

its simple

just go to google and search 'myspace skinny layouts'

or 'myspace tiny layouts'

MILLIONS of results will come up

just copy the cde and put it in your about me section.

hope that helps [=

Myspace layout makers or html-ers!!!?

What is the code to make a regular sized Myspace profile skinny?

Myspace layout makers or html-ers!!!? try this site

Myspace layout makers or html-ers!!!?

Try they have every ****** code known. Report It

Myspace profile help pleaz??

anyone know the CODE to make your myspace profile skinny but WITHOUT getting rid of anything [[including the contact table!!!]]

Myspace profile help pleaz??

Try going to and using their layouts....

Myspace profile help pleaz??


How do i make my myspace skinnier?

i have an icon collage as my backrounds and the ones i really like are covered by the tables and stuff

so wht do i do to make it skinnier

How do i make my myspace skinnier?

You can look up myspace tweaks or you can hold down ctrl and scroll with the scrollbar

How do i make my myspace skinnier?

hold down the ctrl button while scrolling with the scroll wheel

Where can i find Skinny Polka Dot Myspace Layouts??


Where can i find Skinny Polka Dot Myspace Layouts??

Try they have too many too count

Where can i find Skinny Polka Dot Myspace Layouts??

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites?

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites?

Thats what i use, there pretty unique. And lots of different styles.

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites?

umm. u can try deez websites:

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites?

Try this place

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites? know the creator personnally, shell make ne layout u want or u can make it so she can put it up

What are some really skinny and unique myspace layout websites? has lots of unique layouts for myspace!

Skinny profile?

how do u make ur profile skinny in myspace is there a code?

Skinny profile?


i got a myspace layout which i really need skinny default and a perfect style so i put the code in my profile and saved and there is a code in the html of the layout which hides my extended net work, my top friends and my music player which i really did not want hidden how can i go about changing this layout or can i? or where can i get skinny default myspace layouts?


oooh i had this problem myself!!! i messed around with my code then it messed the layout so i wouldnt do that.

heres some sites w/ real good layouts


this is what you want


Start out with a fresh default and keep working on it till you get it like ya want


Can you post the code here so that I can tell you what to change?

CodeMyLayout has nice layouts.

Good luck!


thiers realy cute ones at


look up Katamari interactive Section Manager

this helped me with alotta things.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Should i take notice to anything that this

***** is saying? I called her a few bad names last week %26amp; so she hates me. Shes particularly nasty.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Your rubber she's glue whatever she says bounce off you and sticks to her. Don't take it seriously. She probably has very low self-esteem.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Mark her for abuse.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Anyone who is upset is going to find something to make you upset. If she doesn't know you, she might be able to call you a slut, without even knowing what your lifestyle is like! I wouldn't pay attention to it, just take it for what it is. And try not to call her names anymore because it seems like that's what started her calling you bad names.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Noone can e-mail you on MySpace unless they're on your friends list, delete her name off your list.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

Admins. They are there for a reason.

But first, get proof. Printscreen and save the images in paint or whatever program you have for photos.

Be polite to her so that you look better.

Never EVER give your password to anyone who claims to be an admin.

For examples of people who gave their passwords to supposed admins, look on Encyclopedia Dramatica, and search for Deviantart.

WARNING! Encyclopedia Dramatica is not safe for work or for young children under fifteen. It is inadvisable for 15 and under to look at such websites as Encyclopedia Dramatica.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

lose some weight thenshe might stop

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

dont listen to her. Its not about how skinny you are, has long as your comfortable with your body just be cool about it. Report it for abuse or lol (i dnt use MySpace cause it takes too long to make plus iam not in the house most days) but i can think you can block her i dnt no just dont pay attention to what she says about you dnt reply bak to her dnt even read wha she says to you its a waste of her time for even saying stuff like this and a waste of your time if you reply bak to her.

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

delete her from your friend list....

if you have her as a friend, and if you dont well ignor her she will adventualy get tired...

Some Skinny Chick On MySpace Keeps Calling Me A Fat@$$?

If you called her a 'few bad names' what did you expect?? You get what you give. Deal with it and get over it.

Skinny navigation bar, myspace??

Can someone send me the urls for that code?

Skinny navigation bar, myspace??

%26lt;Style%26gt;div table, div td {height:XXpx;}


this script will make the navigation bar height smaller or bigger depending on what you set the height to.


change the XX to whatever number looks best to you

How do you make a myspace layout with skinny tables?

How do you make a myspace layout with skinney tables???

How do you make a myspace layout with skinny tables? in the left menu you have "myspace stuff" ,there you can find nice tools for myspace like UNBLOCK MYSPACE FROM SCHOOL,MYSPACE COMMENTS SCRIPT CODES,MYSPACE ANIMATIONS CODES,MYSPACE LAYOUTS,MYSPACE ONLINE ICONS,good luck!

How do you make a myspace layout with skinny tables?

please try the following link. this will help you surely:

How can i make my myspace layout not skinny and show the contact box?

i found a layout i really like but it's skinny (the font on the whole page and the pictures are really small and i can hardly read it) and the contact box is hidden.

does anyone know how i can fix this?

i'm thinking of removing the codes that do this but when i search for the codes, i can't find the same codes as the one in my layout code.

anyone have any ideas?

How can i make my myspace layout not skinny and show the contact box?

here is the code i came up with i found the code in the preview link you gave me how ever i could not add you because there was no contact box. In this code it should show however you cannot use it from here i will have to email it to you so if you would open your email option for like a day i will email it to you so email me mine is open in yahoo answers k i also fixed the word size i hope you don't mind if there is thing else you do not like about it let me know i could not fix the lettering on the contact table sorry i tried i can't read it all yet i am just learning this stuff but this should be cool enough

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; body { color: 3399cc; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; background-color: ffffff; background-image: url(" background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom left; background-attachment: fixed; scrollbar-face-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: 000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color: FFCCFF; scrollbar-shadow-color: 000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: 000000; scrollbar-track-color: FFCCFF; cursor: url(;}a {cursor: url(;}} table, tr, td { background: transparent; border-width: 0px; } table td td { width: 0px; } table table td { padding: 3px; } table table table { width: 300px !important; background-color: ; border-width: 0px; border-style: none; border-color: none; } table table table td { padding: 0px; } table table table table { border-width: 0px; } table table table table table { width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; } table table table table table td { width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; } td.text a img { width: 100px !important; } td.text td.text a img { width: 120px !important; } td.text td a img { width: auto !important; } table table td img { display: none; } table table table td img { display: inline; } td td td div strong { width: 170px !important; display: block; } span, font, table, td, div, b, li, p { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; } .orangetext15, .blacktext10 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; display: block; width: 110px; } td.text td.text table table div { display: none; }DONOTBLOCKOURADS body div table tbody tr td font { visibility: hidden; } .navbar { visibility: visible; } .navbar font { visibility: hidden; } table td div div font { visibility: hidden; } object { display: block; width: 220px; } a { font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a:link, a:active, a:visited { color: 000000; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: cccccc; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 1px dashed; border-color:000000; } a.navbar { font-family: small fonts; font-size: 7px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a.navbar:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited { color: 000000; text-decoration: underline; } a.navbar:hover { color: FFCCFF; font-size:px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 1px dashed; border-color:000000; } a.redlink { font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited { color:000000; text-decoration: underline; } a.redlink:hover { color: cccccc; text-decoration: OVERLINE; } . { visibility:visible; !important; display: none !important; } .btext { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .blacktext12 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .lightbluetext8 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; } .redtext { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .redbtext { color: 000000; font-family:large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .text { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; } .whitetext12 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; } .nametext { font-style: large fonts; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold; color: 000000; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; width: 300px; background-color: 99FFCC; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;} a:hover img { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixela... (maxsquare=5) }table table table { background-color:FFFFFF; border-color:000000; border-width: 1px; border-style:solid ; padding:0;}table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table{background-color:99FFCC;}TD TD {text-align: center;}TD TD TD {text-align: center;}TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid; width: 1text-align:center;}TD TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid black; text-align:center;}TD TD TD TD TD TD {border: 0px solid;}TABLE, TD {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase; width:350px;}TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;height: .01width: 100TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}table td div div font {visibili-ty:hidden;di-splay:none;}table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table td.text table td.text table table tbody td table, span.btext {display: none !important} b, strong {color: 000000;}i, em {color:000000;}u {font-family:large ms; color:000000; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 15px dashed; border-color:000000; }.lightbluetext8 {display:none;}.orangetext15 {display:none;}.redbtext, .redtext {display:none;} %26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

body, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important}

%26lt;/style%26gt; %26lt;a href="" style="position:absolute; top:0px;background-repeat:no-repeat;left... height:155px; width:155px; background-image:url( background-position:left;"%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;Layout Provided by -%26lt;a href=""%26gt;%26lt;b%26gt;My... Layouts%26lt;/b%26gt;%26lt;/a%26gt;

here is thie same one only there is no advertisement and when you use the code which ever you can go to a contact table site and get a differnt one made now that you have one if you want

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; body { color: 3399cc; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; background-color: ffffff; background-image: url(" background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom left; background-attachment: fixed; scrollbar-face-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-highlight-color: 000000; scrollbar-3dlight-color: FFCCFF; scrollbar-shadow-color: 000000; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-arrow-color: 000000; scrollbar-track-color: FFCCFF; cursor: url(;}a {cursor: url(;}} table, tr, td { background: transparent; border-width: 0px; } table td td { width: 0px; } table table td { padding: 3px; } table table table { width: 300px !important; background-color: ; border-width: 0px; border-style: none; border-color: none; } table table table td { padding: 0px; } table table table table { border-width: 0px; } table table table table table { width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; } table table table table table td { width: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; } td.text a img { width: 100px !important; } td.text td.text a img { width: 120px !important; } td.text td a img { width: auto !important; } table table td img { display: none; } table table table td img { display: inline; } td td td div strong { width: 170px !important; display: block; } span, font, table, td, div, b, li, p { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; } .orangetext15, .blacktext10 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; display: block; width: 110px; } td.text td.text table table div { display: none; }DONOTBLOCKOURADS body div table tbody tr td font { visibility: hidden; } .navbar { visibility: visible; } .navbar font { visibility: hidden; } table td div div font { visibility: hidden; } object { display: block; width: 220px; } a { font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a:link, a:active, a:visited { color: 000000; text-decoration: none; } a:hover { color: cccccc; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 1px dashed; border-color:000000; } a.navbar { font-family: small fonts; font-size: 7px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a.navbar:link, a.navbar:active, a.navbar:visited { color: 000000; text-decoration: underline; } a.navbar:hover { color: FFCCFF; font-size:px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 1px dashed; border-color:000000; } a.redlink { font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } a.redlink:link, a.redlink:active, a.redlink:visited { color:000000; text-decoration: underline; } a.redlink:hover { color: cccccc; text-decoration: OVERLINE; } . { visibility:visible; !important; display: none !important; } .btext { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .blacktext12 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .lightbluetext8 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; } .redtext { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .redbtext { color: 000000; font-family:large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; } .text { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; } .whitetext12 { color: 000000; font-family: large fonts; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: normal; } .nametext { font-style: large fonts; font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold; color: 000000; text-align: center; letter-spacing: -1px; width: 300px; background-color: 99FFCC; border-left: 1px solid black; border-right: 1px solid black; border-top: 1px solid black; border-bottom: 1px solid black;} a:hover img { filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Pixela... (maxsquare=5) }table table table { background-color:FFFFFF; border-color:000000; border-width: 1px; border-style:solid ; padding:0;}table tbody td table tbody tr td.text table{background-color:99FFCC;}TD TD {text-align: center;}TD TD TD {text-align: center;}TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid; width: 1text-align:center;}TD TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid black; text-align:center;}TD TD TD TD TD TD {border: 0px solid;}TABLE, TD {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase; width:350px;}TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;height: .01width: 100TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: uppercase;}table td div div font {visibili-ty:hidden;di-splay:none;}table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table td.text table td.text table table tbody td table, span.btext {display: none !important} b, strong {color: 000000;}i, em {color:000000;}u {font-family:large ms; color:000000; font-size:12px; text-transform:uppercase; border-bottom: 15px dashed; border-color:000000; }.lightbluetext8 {display:none;}.orangetext15 {display:none;}.redbtext, .redtext {display:none;} %26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

body, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important}

%26lt;/style%26gt; %26lt;a href="" style="position:absolute; top:0px;background-repeat:no-repeat;left... height:155px; width:155px;

What is a good code i can use to make my myspace profile skinny?

plz summit good code and not dumb ones that will make my page mess ^...THANKZ!

What is a good code i can use to make my myspace profile skinny?

try some from this website....

Myspace Help!!?

does anyone know where i can find very cute myspace skinny layouts?!?!?

i need maybe a birthday one,

tomaarows my birthday!?!?!?!

Myspace Help!!?

Wow, Happy birthday to you. :)

I saw some girly skinny layouts at

I just could not remember where I saw it specifically. You can try browsing through there pages. You'll find a lot of cute ones there.

I hope this will help you.

Myspace Help!!? I think thats what its called

Myspace Help!!?

well click the layouts and at the bottom of the list has skinny layouts... or

if those dont work and you find a really cute birthday one you like.. at their is a code to make any layout into a skinny layout...

needd any answers just let me know

Myspace Help!!?

Some reallly cute ones are found at the following:

Thomas閳?Myspace Editor V3.6!

Pretty much if you punch in on google...myspace'll get a bazillion!

Have a good birthday!

Skinny Layouts???

What places can I get myspace skinny layouts?

Skinny Layouts???

Hey! You can always check on google for Myspace Layouts but you can also make your own layout,didn't you know? :) well if you don't know how you can add me to yahoo if you like i would gladly try and make you one or i can tell you how... :) ok so if you wanna do a lay or see pre-made use this site it's great its were i make mine you just put in what it asks you and choose the styles and such,sometimes your friends make the page wider or the things people leave in the comments but all of that can be fixed just look for the plug-ins or tweaks also known a customizations :) good luck my friend...

Sunglasses skinny layouts?

I NEED a myspace skinny sunglasses layout! idk if you;ve heard of transcriipts or anything like that, but I love there layouts and none of those layout sites have ANY skinny sunglasses layouts that I can find. So pleaseeee help!!!!

Sunglasses skinny layouts?

Sorry like i have a skinny layout but its smiley faces

Sunglasses skinny layouts?

this one isn't skinny but it's sunglasses.

I seen a skinny one with a pair of sunglasses, I'm currently searching it for you.. so I'll post the link here when I find it.

Sunglasses skinny layouts?

Does anyone know a code that will make your myspace layout skinny?

because i have been searching all day and cant find anything.

Does anyone know a code that will make your myspace layout skinny?

not unless you know css. you have to write a portion of the code for that to happen. otherwise you'd have to find a skinny layout that's already done.

How do you make yoru myspace profile skinny without changing the size of your display pic?

i either need the code or the wesite where you get the code please ^-^

How do you make yoru myspace profile skinny without changing the size of your display pic?


TD TD {text-align: center;}

TD TD TD {text-align: center;}

TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid; width: 1%; text-align:left;}

TD TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px solid black; text-align:right;}

TD TD TD TD TD TD {border: 0px solid;}

TABLE, TD {padding: 0px; text-transform: none; width:350px;}

TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;height: .01%; width: 100%;}

TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

table td div div font {visibili-ty:hidden;di-splay:none;}

table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}

table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}

table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}


put that code like under the layout code (:

How do you make yoru myspace profile skinny without changing the size of your display pic?

sorry I don't know.sorry that I can't help.

How do you make yoru myspace profile skinny without changing the size of your display pic?

check out dis link...its got plenty of skinny myspace layouts.

Also, with skinny profiles the odds r that the profiles will be coded to make your display pic smaller or change its size.

Is there any way to make my myspace profile skinny without changing the background i have now?

this site takes your old code, and simply converts it for you

Is there any way to make my myspace profile skinny without changing the background i have now?

Yup Go To and click myspace codes then there will be a list of codes it says skinny layout code.

What is the code to make your myspace profile skinny?


What is the code to make your myspace profile skinny?

You are asking for code to make your profile skinny, pls try and

Myspace Layout Question: what is the code to make my layout un-skinny?

you can't. the layouts are sized that way intentionally, and there's not a code you can put in/take out to make it happen. you could try adjusting the width, but that could mess up the entire layout. in the code it will have a section that looks "width; 650px, height; 300px" want to try adjusting the numbers like that, but you have to be careful. it took me a half an hour to adjust my normal sized layout. if i were you i'd adjust each number one at a time, stopping to save it and view the profile to make sure nothing was messed up in the process. good luck =)

Myspace Layout Question: what is the code to make my layout un-skinny?

Copy the layout code and paste it in wordpad. After you do that read it all carefully until you see something like (this is to make the layout skinny) delete all that section so the layout won't be skinny. That's what I do and it works. Hope this helps!

How Do you make your myspace profile skinny if your layout is wide?

search google ferr a " skinny layout code " .

How Do you make your myspace profile skinny if your layout is wide?

Hilarious! Look at your cute, porky face. Why try to fix that?

How Do you make your myspace profile skinny if your layout is wide?

You can resize your profile, if they leave large image on your page.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

should i be worried?

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

No, just ask him what it's about, you will be able to tell from his reaction whether you should be worried or not

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

comfront him and ask him WTF is going on

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?


I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

yeah i think so

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

I wouldn't be worried.... I'd dump the guy! Who knows what else he is doing?


I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

only if its cold outside

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

did she offer to go or was she referring to something that already hapened? if it already happened, worry. check her page to see what he said.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

confront him or something

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

no worried but mad...if they went skinny dipping together....

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

Id be upset. Ask him what that means, and if he aks why it matters, just be like well it matters to me because if i was talking to a guy about it you'de want to know too. Turn it back on him if he turns it on you, for like snooping and stuff.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

Depends on what the comments were exactly. If she was talking about an incident that happened between them then yes, you should be concerned and have a nice little chat with him about it.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

ask him

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

don't sweat it right now, but if you keep finding correspondence from females on there i would confront him.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

is he alright with u looking at his myspace and if so then dont lose any sleep over a few comments . ask him if u need to be worried and see what he says then take it from there.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

Not about that, but I you to do this. Go under browse, check the "single" box. Set your "Browse criteria" to whatever matches your boyfriend. If his profile pops up then worry.

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

jealous but not worried

I was looking at my boyfriends myspace and saw comments from a pretty girl about skinny dipping.?

i think u should ask him about it and i know what ur thinking if u ask him about it he will probably ask u what u were doing looking at his myspace, but overall u should still ask him then he will tell u if anything is going on but he might be lying. u have a right to be curious after all he is ur boyfriend.

CaN yOu HeLp Me GeT aMeRiCaS nExT tOp mOdEl MySpAcE lAyOuTs??

i would like to have a myspace layout that is of antm [[americas next top model]] sp please if you can thanks!!

o h i forgot if you can get them to be skinny myspace layout then that would be great other wise if you cant then thanks!!

CaN yOu HeLp Me GeT aMeRiCaS nExT tOp mOdEl MySpAcE lAyOuTs??

Hers an americas top model layout

CaN yOu HeLp Me GeT aMeRiCaS nExT tOp mOdEl MySpAcE lAyOuTs??

Nope, I could hardly read your question the way you wrote it.

Maybe after you grow up you might qualify to be a top model.

...but good luck anyway

Is there a software that makes myspace layouts? (skinny and default too)?

go to google and type

default profile generator


katamari background generator

Is there a software that makes myspace layouts? (skinny and default too)?

no. you have to learn CSS. go to i know i sound like a stupid newbie saying that but now i own an awesome layout site becuase i learned a **** load of stuff from it!

How to make my myspace profile skinny... keeping my own layout?

help :)

How to make my myspace profile skinny... keeping my own layout?

Put this code at the top of your About Me section...


.c {navbar width}

.navigationbar {width:560px !important;}

.navigationbar a {font-size:7px !important;}

.c {navbar height}

div table, div td {height:0px !important;}

.c {player}

embed, object {width:190px; height:33px;}

.c {display pic}

.profileinfo a img {width:90px;}

.c {text}

* {font-size:9px !important;}

.c {hides url}

.userprofileurl {display:none;}

.c {shrinks contact table}

.contacttable td a img {width:90px; height:18px;}

.latestblogentry td {height:0px; line-height:8px}

.c {hides bottom links}

table div {display:none;}

div table div, table table div {display:block;}

.c {hides search}

body div table td form {display:none;}

.c {shrinks tables}

td.text table {width:100% !important;}

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;} table {width:400px;}

table table {width:auto;} table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table,

table table table table table td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.c {skinny comments}

.blacktext10 {font-size:9px;}

.friendscomments table td b a {font-size:8px}

.friendscomments td.text table {width:100%!important;}


.friendscomments td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendscomments embed, .friendsComments object,

.friendscomments img {max-width:220px; _width:220px;}

.friendscomments a img {max-width:220px; _width:50px;}

.imgonlinenow {width:80px !important;}

.c {tiny friend space}

.friendspace td, .friendspace,

.friendspace table {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendspace a img {border:0px;}

.friendspace td a {visibility:hidden; font-size: 0px;}

.friendspace td a img {visibility:visible; width:60px; height:60px;}

.friendspace td td td {line-height:0px;}

.friendspace td.text table {width:100% !important;}

.redlink {visibility:visible !important; font-size:11px !important;}


Myspace question???

does anyone know any good websites where you can find those really skinny myspace layouts???


Myspace question???

Myspace question??? have all kinds od nice layouts .

Myspace question???

you can check out the website below:

Myspace question???

do you mean the tiny layouts? where the words are really small? has some. go to that website and scroll down and on the left hand side it should have a section for tiny layouts or something like that.

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

[i cant find a codee for it babeysz]

How can i make my myspace profile skinny? has many layouts premade and i think u can make ur own skinny profile too...

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?


How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

wow you are shallow

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

get a new layout!!! go to or

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

go to google type in skinny myspace layouts....then click on the hits..i've done it b4 there are some niceeee ones!

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

I know that you can look for specific layouts that are skinny. has a LOT of skinny layouts. They're really cool and easy to copy and paste.

Or you can go to and type in "code to make myspace layouts skinny" and there should be some good results. Anything with 'myspace' typed in on google always has a ton of results.

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

What exactly do you mean by skinny? your image? I use paint shop pro to edit out things like that.

How can i make my myspace profile skinny?

let ur profile workout ..

Whats ur favorite site for skinny layouts??

wats ur favorite site for skinny myspace layouts?

i already know a few like whateverlife

Whats ur favorite site for skinny layouts??

Whats ur favorite site for skinny layouts??

Whats ur favorite site for skinny layouts??

whateverlife and are good sites..

Whats ur favorite site for skinny layouts??

ummmmmmmm i think minds is or

Does any one know the myspace code on how to do this....?

I have a skinny myspace profile layout. But I want it too look like this. I was trying to figure out how to place a backgound on a skinny layout like this.

I want to put my profile inbetween that.

Does any one know the myspace code on how to do this....?

%26lt;STYLE type=text/css%26gt;

body, .bodyContent {

background-color: transparent !important;

background-image: url(" !important;

background-repeat: no repeat !important;

background-attachment: fixed !important;

background-position:100% 100%!important;


Does any one know the myspace code on how to do this....?

let me get this strait! so you a want that picture as a skinny layout or a reg. layout?? if sooo.... then you cant unless you find that in a skinny layout. -kelsey ( i dont think you can put your profie like that)

Myspace layout help!?!?

i need to find a bright yellow skinny myspace layout! fast!

can anyone provide me with a link to one?!?!


Myspace layout help!?!?

Myspace layout generators??

Does anyone know where I can find a SKINNY myspace layout generator????

I can't find one anywhere.


Myspace layout generators??

I think in these site you can get your answer try this site.You may see more information in and

Myspace layout generators??

ok one is for lay outs and the other is to put a play list on myspace ok the firt and the other to put a playlist on myspace is go to you can have 75 songs at a time

Myspace layout generators??

i'd put the code here but it doenst work

send me an email and i'll get back to it ASAP

What are some good websites that i can go to and get skinny default looking myspace layouts??

you know..the kind of layouts with the same defualt look but are skinny and have backgrounds..HELP HELP.



What are some good websites that i can go to and get skinny default looking myspace layouts??

hope this helps...

What are some good websites that i can go to and get skinny default looking myspace layouts??

What are some good websites that i can go to and get skinny default looking myspace layouts??

Try going to any search engine on the planet and typing in the words "myspace layout" - there should be a few hundred thousand links there to keep you amused.


What are some good websites that i can go to and get skinny default looking myspace layouts??

If you want tiny layouts then check out this website.

Myspace layout difficulties!?

how do i make my skinny myspace layout a skinny-default?

Myspace layout difficulties!?


Myspace layout difficulties!?

you have two options. You can either search for a skinny defualt layout at they will have at least 100 pages of default layouts.

If you would rather create your own,

Use this code below, and fill in the "enter direct image link here" with the direct image link you want to be on your profile.

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;




background-repeat: no-repeat;







filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Micros... sizingMethod='image');


%26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; body { background-image: url("ENTER DIRECT IMAGE LINK URL HERE");background-position:Top Left; background-attachment:fixed; background-repeat:repeat; } %26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;.contactTable { display: none }%26lt;/style%26gt;%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

body, html {visibility:visible !important; display:block !important}


It will automatically repeat along center and side.

*Normally you can just classify it at a default layout. Because it will end up being skinny.*

Myspace layout difficulties!?


What are some websites that have skinny layouts for myspace?

I want a skinny layout and I can't find anything. please help.

What are some websites that have skinny layouts for myspace?

What are some websites that have skinny layouts for myspace?

they have the best variety of layouts I have seen yet!

What are some websites that have skinny layouts for myspace?

This is the one's i'm using

What are some websites that have skinny layouts for myspace?

I enjoy them.


How do you make a skinny profile for myspace?

ok I like my layout and all..I just need to make it skinny..does anyone know the code for that?

How do you make a skinny profile for myspace?

Hi it's me,

I guess putting it on the Atkins diet won't work.

(Sorry, I couldn't resist) :-)


Could someone make me a skinny/center/default myspace layout?

With the font.

Could you make it small?


With the background.

I'd like it to be Pixy Stix.

Need to contact me.

Add me Myspace.

Much love, Behcca.

Could someone make me a skinny/center/default myspace layout?

Skinny layout generator???

know theres a layout generator for myspace but is there a skinny myspace layout generator? because i really would love to make my own skinnly layout! thanks people!!! %26lt;3

Skinny layout generator???

That's sounds cool, but I don't know where to find it. Sorry.

Skinny layout generator???

well here's a generator if you're still lookin for one.. Report It

How to make skinny layouts on myspace?

i don't want to start a layout site, but i want to know how to make skinny and tiny layouts because i want to make them formyself and some friends.what do you need if you want to make those layouts? OTH layouts have the kind of style i like, so how do i make them like theirs?? Please post answers!

How to make skinny layouts on myspace?

There are options and a 'troubloeshooter' guid within myspace...just follow the will not take you long

If you already have a skinny profile on Myspace how do u make it skinnier?

I have a skinny profile but i want to get it skinnier but I don't know how... It's driving me nuts HELP please!

If you already have a skinny profile on Myspace how do u make it skinnier?

why do u want it skinnniyer?anyway get a differnt layout.

If you already have a skinny profile on Myspace how do u make it skinnier?

This site is dedicated to tiny layouts only!

Hope I Helped, Good Luck!

How to make a "skinny" pre-made MySpace layout NOT "skinny" ?

How can I change the size my layout format from being a "skinny" type layout to a regular proportioned layout?

How to make a "skinny" pre-made MySpace layout NOT "skinny" ?

you have to have

table table td { width:100%; }

table table table table td { width:auto; }

in the about me section

How to make a "skinny" pre-made MySpace layout NOT "skinny" ?

edit the css/html it is hard to do though and i would have to see the code

How to make a "skinny" pre-made MySpace layout NOT "skinny" ?

You can or

Good luck!

Can someone please get me or make me a myspace layout defualt one please not skinny in these colors?

dark brown (almost black)


dark grey charcol (almost black)


Can someone please get me or make me a myspace layout defualt one please not skinny in these colors?PLEASE!?

do it yourself!! has a layout maker.

happy new year

What are the good web pages or myspace url for the really really skinny layouts?

I always go to

I use Skinny ones to


What are the good web pages or myspace url for the really really skinny layouts?

static layouts is one.


What are the good web pages or myspace url for the really really skinny layouts?

Does anyone here know of a good layout site where i can get skinny default myspace layouts??

you can take the customizations off for it to be a regular default layout.

Does anyone here know of a good layout site where i can get skinny default myspace layouts??

How do you add Myspace layouts to your blogs like Skinny or default layouts?

Like blogs or the viewing picture pages

How do you add Myspace layouts to your blogs like Skinny or default layouts?

there's a really good site that has all that kind of info.

they have tons of great stuff. i use their blog layouts for my blogs. and everyone seems to love them. :)


Yup. This code will adjust your comment table's size. Adjust the height and width values to however long or wide you want the table to be. Put the code at the end of your Who I'd Like to Meet section:


.friendsAndComments {overflow:hidden; height:900px; width:435px;}

.friendsAndComments table {width:100%;}




%26lt;div class="friendsAndComments"%26gt;

%26lt;table style="display:none;"%26gt;%26lt;tr%26gt;%26lt;td%26gt;


Saturday, November 28, 2009

Why does the comment area on my myspace page come out so huge with a skinny layout?

this happened with all of the skinny layouts I tried

Why does the comment area on my myspace page come out so huge with a skinny layout?

Maybe somebody posted a long comment and in stretched the page. Look for a comment that is wide (not tall) and delete it. That might fix your problem.

Why does the comment area on my myspace page come out so huge with a skinny layout?

If someone left you a video or a large picture as a comment, it will stretch the comment area. You have to go through and delete all of the really wide comments.

How do you make your myspace layout skinny?

i want to make my layout page skinny so you can see the backgroung what code do i use

How do you make your myspace layout skinny?

Use this if what you want is to make the background skinny or only on the sides of the page.

If you want to know the steps to making ANY profile skinny, check this page out:


How do you make your myspace layout skinny?

do you mean transparent tables?



to every "table" tag.

make sure you place the content in a table inside the transparent table, or the content will dissapear with the table!

How do you make your myspace layout skinny?

use this code.

%26lt;style%26gt;td td {text-align: center;}

td td td {text-align: center;}

td td td td {border-top: 0px solid; width: 1%; text-align:left;}

td td td td td {border-top: 0px solid black; text-align:right;}

td td td td td td {border: 0px solid;}

table, td {padding: 0px; text-transform: none; width:350px;}

table table {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

table table table {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;height: .01%; width: 100%;}

table table table table {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

table table table table table {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

table table table table table table {padding: 0px; text-transform: none;}

table td div div font {visibili-ty:hidden;di-splay:none;}

table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}

table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}

table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} %26lt;/style%26gt;

Where can i find the code for a Skinny Default myspace layout? is my favourite one!! most layout sites have skinny layouts too, but this site is safer %26amp; has some real cool designs.

hope i helped

Where can i find the code for a Skinny Default myspace layout? has some cute ones.

Where can i find the code for a Skinny Default myspace layout?

I would use They have tons of different layouts .

Where can i find the code for a Skinny Default myspace layout? go to the skinny section and look around. there's a bunch of them with different backgrounds that i'm sure you'll find. :)

How do I make my Myspace layout skinny *read details for more info*?

You see, I already made my layout they way I want it, using, but I want it to be skinny. Is there a code I could use, or a place where I could get the code for it?

How do I make my Myspace layout skinny *read details for more info*?

Yeah, over at they have the instructions on their layout page, especially if someone used a huge image in your comments section.

How do i make my whole myspace profile skinny?

I need yall help cuz i think its the new craze if you dont kno plz dont respond is there a website i can go to oh yea my myspace URL is go hit me up

How do i make my whole myspace profile skinny?

the website below has premade 'tiny' myspace layouts. hope it helps.

How do i make my whole myspace profile skinny?


Uhmm. where can i get like..pretty kute skinny/tiny myspace layouts? (:?

You can also look at their affliates.

Can someone give me a website to get skinny guys myspace layouts???????????????????????...

PLZ ???????????????????????????????????????

Can someone give me a website to get skinny guys myspace layouts???????????????????????...


Can someone give me a website to get skinny guys myspace layouts???????????????????????... try it

Can someone give me a website to get skinny guys myspace layouts???????????????????????...

I dont know of any but I recomend a flash layout they are really cool hope that helps

Is there a code to make my profile skinny on myspace with out making my top friend's pictures a

yes. you can go to ,

to make it thin like.

My myspace is

If this is what you are looking for that grate. If not please dont hesitate to myspace msg me =).

How can I make my own skinny default myspace layout???

do a search on "div layout generator".

using div's will allow you to make your profile look exactly how you want it to look and say exactly what you want it to say.

good luck.

Where is the best place to get skinny pretty myspace layouts?

just wondering.

Where is the best place to get skinny pretty myspace layouts?

well there are a bunch of myspaces that have layouts just click layouts on search and then scroll through and add the profiles that have layouts and then you can check there frends cuz they have layouts..and most of them are skinny..other wise you can go to and then look through the list of kinds they have and they have "skinny" click it! good luck and hope i helped...o yeh skinny layouts rock so ur profile is gona look awsum!

Where is the best place to get skinny pretty myspace layouts?

I had no idea that a background layout could be skinny.

Where is the best place to get skinny pretty myspace layouts?

Where is the best place to get skinny pretty myspace layouts?

GO TO www.hotfreelayouts and select da categorie u want at the top and dey r soooo hot and cool 鈾モ櫏

p.s. east oakland 300

Where can i make a skinny defualt myspace layout?

they have a lot of them :)

Where can i make a skinny defualt myspace layout?

Where can i make a skinny defualt myspace layout?

I like It's a little more feminine.

Where can i make a skinny defualt myspace layout?

its a great website, and there's literally hundreds of skinny layouts to choose from as well

theres also many regular layouts, default layouts and all that stuff :D

Where can i make a skinny defualt myspace layout?

Default Layouts

Code to make the layout tiny/skinny

Where can i find cute skinny girly myspace layouts?

Where can i find cute skinny girly myspace layouts?

google ? :D

Where can i find cute skinny girly myspace layouts?

Where can i get a skinny black myspace layout?

add my layout site...

and request a black layout.

ill make one for you.


Where can i get a skinny black myspace layout?

well you need to send me the image.

so we can add it to photobucket.


=) Report It

Where can i get a skinny black myspace layout? has good layouts

Where can i get a skinny black myspace layout?

you can go to google and type in skinny black layout.

Where can i get a skinny black myspace layout?

try to go to

then, "layouts"

good luck!! :D

Does anyone know a website where i can personalize my own skinny default layout for myspace? thx--?

i really want to make my own:]

Does anyone know a website where i can personalize my own skinny default layout for myspace? thx--?

hope this helps :)

Tiny Skinny Small MySpace Layouts?

I want a unique layout. One that expresses my individuality :]] Some call Me...a Punk, a Hippie, a *****, a Prep, Scene, a Lezbian. Although, I'm not a lesbian. I'm just Bi :] Thank you for your time :]

Tiny Skinny Small MySpace Layouts?

here ya go

Tiny Skinny Small MySpace Layouts?

Google your search and type in skinny myspace layouts. You will get many sites to pick from. There's too many good ones out there right now. But if you want you can checkout

Skinny zebra print layout for myspace?

I've googled it, %26amp; the sites that they list cause my computer to go slow %26amp; their layout styles dont fit my type that i like. I would really apprectiate it, and please skinny...because default screws up my myspace ://

Skinny zebra print layout for myspace?

okay...ignore the person above me..

if your looking for a zebra print layout here is the trick i use.

i go to a layout (which ever one i need) and then go to photobucket and find the background that i want. then what you do is take that background code and switch it with the one that was already with the layout and then save.

then you have the layout you wanted =]

if that doesnt work and you don't even know how to read HTML or CSS, then try places like

they literally have everything.

if you still can't find it.

i will be glad to make you one =]

just visit me at and message me =]

or email me at

Skinny zebra print layout for myspace?

can you even link to the layout???

dam people nowadays think that the world revolves around them, thinking that everyone will help them just cause..... im living in a sad world where no one cares anyone else except for family and friends and act hostile toward others. today i mark the day as the beginning of the death of humanity.

im trying to help you but you cant even help yourself.....

Myspace help skinny this layout?

here is the layout but iwant it to be skinny and center where it is like all white going down the center just like this one but i want to see more of the stars and i want it skinny please help!


Myspace help skinny this layout?

try this code

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;table table td img {display:none;}table table table td img {display:inline;}table td td {width:0px;}table {width:450px;}table table {width:auto;}table table td {padding:3px;}table table table td {padding:0px;}table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}table table table table table,table table table table table td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}td.text a img {width:100px !important;}td.text td.text a img {width:35px !important;}td td td div strong {width:170px !important; display:block;}.redblackfonttext14{font-... input, font, a, table, td, div, b {font-size:6pt !important;font-family:small fonts!important;font-weight:normal!Impor... {font-size:7pt !important;font-family:small fonts!important;font-weight:normal!Impor... object {display:block; width:220px; height:38px;}.orangetext15, .blacktext10 {display:block; width:110px; font-size:6pt !important;}td.text td.text .orangetext15,td.text td.text table table div {display:none;}%26lt;/style%26gt;

Myspace help skinny this layout?

hmmm ,

idk about the white part or whatever...

but this is how you make ANY layout skinny:

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;}

table {width:450px;}

table table {width:auto;}

table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table,

table table table table table td {

width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

td.text a img {width:100px !important;}

td.text td.text a img {width:35px !important;}

td td td div strong {width:170px !important; display:block;}


textarea, input, font, a, table, td, div, b {font-size:6pt !important;font-family:small fonts!important;font-weight:normal!Impor...

span {font-size:7pt !important;font-family:small fonts!important;font-weight:normal!Impor...

embed, object {display:block; width:220px; height:38px;}

.orangetext15, .blacktext10 {

display:block; width:110px; font-size:6pt !important;}

td.text td.text .orangetext15,

td.text td.text table table div {display:none;}



%26lt;/style%26gt;[%26lt;a href="

hope this helped;]

How do i make a regular skinny layout a skinny-default layout on myspace?


How do i make a regular skinny layout a skinny-default layout on myspace?

By combining these two together.

Style your profile tables


Impose default effects to make profile skinny

There's also some additional tips here on making your layout more minimized.


Does somebody knows how to make skinny/thin layouts for MySpace?

I've been dying to make one.

PLEASE! Can someone help me!?

Does somebody knows how to make skinny/thin layouts for MySpace?

go to they have tons plus u can make ur own!

Does somebody knows how to make skinny/thin layouts for MySpace?

Does somebody knows how to make skinny/thin layouts for MySpace?

How do u make your layout skinny or small for myspace?

help me plz? if u know wat im talking bout. do u know any code for it or any sites?

How do u make your layout skinny or small for myspace?

the site gives you the code.

put the code in your about me

How do u make your layout skinny or small for myspace?

the code above will make your profile skinny.

for layouts just search and the code will work with any layout!!

How do i make my own skinny custom layout for myspace and is there a progam needed for this to be do

try it has alot of tweaks for your myspace

Is there a code to make my myspace skinny?

i have a code, but when i put it on it also takes away my friends and comments, but i want that to show.

Is there a code to make my myspace skinny?

Is there a code to make my myspace skinny?

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

.contactTable {display:visible;}

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;}

table {width:450px;}

table table {width:auto;}

table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table,

table table table table table td {

width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

td.text a img {width:100px !important;}

td.text td.text a img {width:35px !important;}

td td td div strong {width:170px !important; display:block;}

textarea, input, font, a, table, td, div, b {font-size:6pt !important;}

span {font-size:7pt !important;}

embed, object {display:block; width:220px; height:38px;}

.orangetext15, .blacktext10 {

display:block; width:110px; font-size:6pt !important;}

td.text td.text .orangetext15,

td.text td.text table table div {display:none;}


if you need any more help add me on myspace:

or just e-mail me, however you want it..

Where can i make my own skinny/&/or default layouts for myspace?

I can never find any "boy" skinny layouts except when their solid background (blue, red, black, etc.). Sooooo, i was wondering if theres a website where i can make my own skinny layout....

(i also like default but i prefer skinny).

Where can i make my own skinny/%26amp;/or default layouts for myspace? that might help?

Where can i make my own skinny/%26amp;/or default layouts for myspace?

Id refer to

They have the top of the line fully customizeable free layouts!!

If that isnt what you're looking for than id just use a layout generator.

Is there a code that can make your myspace comments tiny/ skinny?

i dont like the way my comments come up so big......can some one help me on this.....please

Is there a code that can make your myspace comments tiny/ skinny?


.friendsComments embed, .friendsComments object {width:260px; height:213px;}

.friendsComments img {max-width:260px; _width:260px;}

.friendsComments a img {max-width:260px; _width:90px;}

.ImgOnlineNow {width:80px !important;}


Internet Explorer does not support max-width, so this code works a little differently in IE vs Firefox. In firefox, small images wont be made larger using this code, but in IE, unfortunately, they will.

Can anyone make me a skinny default layout for myspace?

Ok.. so I want a skinny default layout for my myspace. I want it to be like this:


And, then.. I want the inside to be:

And.. well.. thats pretty much it!

If you can, thank you sooo much!

If you need anything else, just ask, and I will post the answer in additional details!

Can anyone make me a skinny default layout for myspace?

I'd do it for you, but your links are invalid. Try going to there's a generator to help you create a layout.

Anybody know how 2 turn my myspace layout into a skinny default?

i have this layout that i really like only i want it to be a skinny default, not a skinny layout or a default! one help!!!

Anybody know how 2 turn my myspace layout into a skinny default?

Yes I do.

Anybody know how 2 turn my myspace layout into a skinny default?

What's the code for making your layout skinny on myspace!?

I don't want a website of skinny layout. I just want the friggin' code!! It's driving me insane! Help me, please, before I pull out all my hair. :[

What's the code for making your layout skinny on myspace!?

I hope this helps. Paste the code below to your About Me section:

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

{ Background Properties }

body {


background-image:url('Enter Image URL');


background-position:top center;












table table table table td {filter:none;}

table table table table {border:0px;}

td.text table, td.text table td {width:300px; padding:0px;}

td.text table table table table, td.text table table table table td {width:0px;}

table table td {width:10px;}

div table table td, table table table td {width:auto;}

td.text td.text table table div, td.text td.text table table a img {height:75px; width:65px !important; border-width:0px;}

{ Text Properties }

table, tr, td, li, p, div {}

.btext, .orangetext15, .nametext, .whitetext12 {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; }

.blacktext10, .blacktext11, .blacktext12, .lightbluetext8, .redtext, .redbtext, .text {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; }

{ Link Properties }

a:active, a:visited, a:link {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }

a:hover {font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; }


My myspace layout is skinny but..?

it's stretched out and doesn't even look like one! Is there a code i can put in to make it skinnier is it my comments stretching it out?

My myspace layout is skinny but..?

yea, that happens most of the time with your comments, your comments will make it wider if someone adds a large picture or video, what you need to do is delete all the comments with videos or pictures and it should be fine, if thats not it i have no idea, but a good site to fix that would be

Does anyone know i website where i could find cool retro/fresh skinny layouts for myspace?



Does anyone know i website where i could find cool retro/fresh skinny layouts for myspace?

Does anyone know i website where i could find cool retro/fresh skinny layouts for myspace?

this site has thousands to layouts...

you should be able to find something....

I'm looking for unique/cute skinny default layouts for myspace any ideas?

I've already looked up many cites on google. and i'm really picky about my layouts. so if you have any ideas please help.

or even if they are unique layouts, other than the regular set up of myspace layouts.


I'm looking for unique/cute skinny default layouts for myspace any ideas?

sites i personally adore:

qud luck..hope i helped!


I'm looking for unique/cute skinny default layouts for myspace any ideas?

on my space there are layout sites

they have awesome skinny layouts

tons of unigue ones

here search these names in display names

and add them as friends

they have great layouts


damaged scene

urban chic 22k

static layouts

I'm looking for unique/cute skinny default layouts for myspace any ideas?

there is a website for skinny layouts that I can give you

I'm looking for unique/cute skinny default layouts for myspace any ideas?

How do i make the comments skinny on myspace?

How do i make the comments skinny??

so like my General, Music, Movies ,etc are side to side..

How do i make the comments skinny on myspace?

Go here

How do i make the comments skinny on myspace?


How do i make the comments skinny on myspace?

delete any huge pictures in your comments.

How do i make the comments skinny on myspace?

you cant

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

i have the cutest myspace layout, but i want to make it like the skinny/small layouts but i need the code

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

Paste this code at the top of your "About Me" section ...


.c {navbar width}

.navigationbar {width:560px !important;}

.navigationbar a {font-size:7px !important;}

.c {navbar height}

div table, div td {height:0px !important;}

.c {player}

embed, object {width:190px; height:33px;}

.c {display pic}

.profileinfo a img {width:90px;}

.c {text}

* {font-size:9px !important;}

.c {hides url}

.userprofileurl {display:none;}

.c {shrinks contact table}

.contacttable td a img {width:90px; height:18px;}

.latestblogentry td {height:0px; line-height:8px}

.c {hides bottom links}

table div {display:none;}

div table div, table table div {display:block;}

.c {hides search}

body div table td form {display:none;}

.c {shrinks tables}

td.text table {width:100% !important;}

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;} table {width:400px;}

table table {width:auto;} table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table,

table table table table table td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.c {skinny comments}

.blacktext10 {font-size:9px;}

.friendscomments table td b a {font-size:8px}

.friendscomments td.text table {width:100%!important;}


.friendscomments td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendscomments embed, .friendsComments object,

.friendscomments img {max-width:220px; _width:220px;}

.friendscomments a img {max-width:220px; _width:50px;}

.imgonlinenow {width:80px !important;}

.c {tiny friend space}

.friendspace td, .friendspace,

.friendspace table {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendspace a img {border:0px;}

.friendspace td a {visibility:hidden; font-size: 0px;}

.friendspace td a img {visibility:visible; width:60px; height:60px;}

.friendspace td td td {line-height:0px;}

.friendspace td.text table {width:100% !important;}

.redlink {visibility:visible !important; font-size:11px !important;}


Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

juss lokk up skinny myspace layouts in google or sumthin or its usually on websites like skinny layouts and stuff liek thta or if you want hte one you have rite now look up a code to make myspace layouts skinny.

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?


Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?'s an awesome website

enjoy!!! love meeeehhh i hope my answer is da best answer!!!

Skinny default myspace layout ?

i want a layout that is like the one wen you have no codes but with small letters and it's a skinny layout

p.s. i've seen this on many paqes.

%26amp; it doesnt have a backqround

Skinny default myspace layout ?

Heres the perfect link!

Hope I Helped! Good Luck!

Where can i find a plain black skinny layout for myspace?

you can just like look it up

or add me in myspace %26amp; ask me and ill make you one :]


i hope i was any help!

xx abreyy

Where can i find a plain black skinny layout for myspace?

lol yaa Report It

Change myspace default to skinny?

ive been fixing my myspace and i have a regular layout.does anyone know a code to change it to skinny without changing to whole layout?

Change myspace default to skinny?

This will let you customize your tables %26amp; make them skinny:

This will let you specify background properties .. y'know, if you wanna put the strips of background on the sides like some of those skinny DIV layouts have.

Is there any websires that have skinny layouts for myspace but you can still see there top friends?

i use these tiny/skinny layouts and can always see my friends

never knew that was a problem o.O

Is there any websires that have skinny layouts for myspace but you can still see there top friends?


Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

I really found them to be awesome!

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

I think have them. If not, try

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

it depends on your style.

just try googleing "skinny myspace layouts" and pick a site that agrees with your taste.

i really like this site:

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

you should go to

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

Free web layouts. They should have some cool ones.

Hey, I hear that there's a site that's even better than Myspace. Its called it launches nxt Wed, and you can do a lot of cool things on it.

Just thought I should let you know. :-)

Where can I get the best skinny layouts for myspace?

Where can I find premade super skinny layouts for myspace?

Last time I asked for a good layout site...they just directed me to a generator. I don't want that. I want already made layouts. I need a good site with a bunch of them. I particularly like the really tiny ones. (but big enough to where you can read the text) Thx. 10 points!

Where can I find premade super skinny layouts for myspace?

go to and click on the myspace layouts --%26gt; skinny layouts

=] hope this helps

Where can I find premade super skinny layouts for myspace?

idk. i can make you a skinny layout.

Where can I find premade super skinny layouts for myspace?! It's like my favorite place to get layouts and they have such a variety!

Where can I find premade super skinny layouts for myspace?

i think thats it

Need help installing a myspace skinny default layout??

so when i install a default layout, i get the background image but i dont get the white box in the center of the page,i just get the modules and they are all separated. it just looks like a regular skinny layout!

this is how i want it to look,

and not like this,

any help!!! is there codes or something to make it default?


Need help installing a myspace skinny default layout??

Background style #6 on this page.

I have a default skinny myspace layout. How would I make it wider?

I dont like it skinny please help!

I have a default skinny myspace layout. How would I make it wider?

I think there's a certian code to make a layout skinny. Maybe you could use the same code (look for it and then find the code in your layout code) to delete it. :]

I have a default skinny myspace layout. How would I make it wider?

just find a regular layout!

I have a default skinny myspace layout. How would I make it wider?

not all are skinny maybe its just the site you go to..

Myspace skinny default layts??

Can someone tell me where i can make SKINNY DEFAULT LAYOUTS?

i have a layout site %26amp; i now only make default layouts

but i was wondering if someone knows a generator that does SKINNY DEFAULT...

please send me a link! thanks! =]

Myspace skinny default layts??

Find the layout you want and just put this code in it.

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt; tr {background:transparent;}body table div font a, body table div div {visibility:hidden;} body table table div font a, body table table div div {visibility:visible;} div table td font {visibility:hidden;} .navbar {visibility:visible;}.navbar font {visibility:hidden;}table td div div font {visibility:hidden;} TD TD {text-align:;} TD TD TD {text-align:;} TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px ; width: 1%; text-align:;} TD TD TD TD TD {border-top: 0px black; text-align:;} TD TD TD TD TD TD {border: 0px ;} table, tr, td {padding: 0px; text-transform: ; width:350px;} TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: ;} TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: ;height: .01%; width: 100%;} TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: ;} TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: ;} TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE TABLE {padding: 0px; text-transform: ;} table td div div font {visibili-ty:hidden;di-splay:none;} table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;} table table table table table table {border: 0px; text-align: justify; padding: 0px;}%26lt;/style%26gt;

Myspace Skinny Layouts?

I made a layout.

But I want it to be a skinny one.

Do you know of any code or something to make it that way?

Help please!

Myspace Skinny Layouts?

You have to change the width of the tables. What is so special about the skinny layouts anyways? It squishes the words together unless you do it correctly.....I guess it's just another fad lol

I want a really tiny/skinny myspace layout but not that preppy crap..I need something dark, cute, ha

or ANYTHING but these polka dots!!!

What is a good place to find some emo/dark/rock%26amp;Roll/ vampire/pumpkin/black cats/ layouts that are skinny/tiny

Help me gahhh

They dont have to be all evil or anything but I need one that a tad less....pukeful

I want a really tiny/skinny myspace layout but not that preppy crap..I need something dark, cute, halloweeny?

i know what you mean thats what i'm looking for too

i cant find it though

im looking everywhere for one but i cant really find one

I want a really tiny/skinny myspace layout but not that preppy crap..I need something dark, cute, halloweeny?

you can go to either,, or and make a layout and then use skem9's mini myspace layout code to make it skinny

or you can just take a regular layout you like and use skem9's skinny myspace code-you'll have your tiny/skinny myspace in no time Report It

Can you give me a good website where i can find lots of skinny/tiny myspace layout??


Can you give me a good website where i can find lots of skinny/tiny myspace layout?? or

閳?br> hope this helps and works

Can you give me a good website where i can find lots of skinny/tiny myspace layout??

jus search skinny myspace layouts and u will find a lot..

Can you give me a good website where i can find lots of skinny/tiny myspace layout??

go to it's the best layout place on the internet.they got everything

Myspace skinny layouts question?

if you have skinny layouts, is there a way to not have everything in my profile with a small font.

since i know the code to make fonts bigger, it doesnt work.

is there a code to make it work.?


Myspace skinny layouts question?

codes are here drop in and select which one u want and

i am sure this will help u

Myspace skinny layouts question?

Skinny layouts, those are retarded!

Try the divs.

Much better looking.

Go to

and try using this code %26lt;font size="20"%26gt;whatever you want in this dealy%26lt;/font%26gt;

Does anyone know where i can find a skinny myspace layout Generator?

you can go on myspace and use their generator. or i also think they might have one on

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Myspace Skinny layout problem?

when I put a skinny layout on my profile its turns out wide?

Myspace Skinny layout problem?

so put a wide layour and it will be skinny

How do I resize a YouTube video on a SKINNY layout for Myspace?

Okay, I know how to put YouTube videos on my myspace and resize it, but what i dont know is how to resize it on a SKINNY layout. ( Which is those tiny layouts on Myspace. )

When I want to resize it, it stays the same size! Which comes out to be way to tiny! Are there any codes or something? Any way to help? Have ideas? Comment here please!

How do I resize a YouTube video on a SKINNY layout for Myspace?

width="425" height="350"

When you see that, change the second one in the code to "100" and "80".

It makes it smaller then.

How do I resize a YouTube video on a SKINNY layout for Myspace?

Usually I do a proportion for resizing youtube videos.

So the width is 425.

Height is 350.

So let's say you want the width to be 200.

You'd do this:

425/350 = 200/x

So the height would be about 164.7 or 165.

Dunno if that helps alot, but it works to where you don't get that annoying white space around the youtube video, telling that you didn't size it proportionately.

Myspace Skinny Layout Question!?

my friend has a skinny layout and she's open to the public so ppl can see her profile but she has a skinny layout and it doesnt show the add me or message me or anything where i can get a hold of her.... i havent seen her in about a year and i dont have her phone # so how do i add her!? Thankss!

Myspace Skinny Layout Question!?

if you look up at the top of the persons profile it will say user shortcuts click on the arrow then you Will see that one of the selections is to add to Friend
