Saturday, November 28, 2009

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

i have the cutest myspace layout, but i want to make it like the skinny/small layouts but i need the code

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

Paste this code at the top of your "About Me" section ...


.c {navbar width}

.navigationbar {width:560px !important;}

.navigationbar a {font-size:7px !important;}

.c {navbar height}

div table, div td {height:0px !important;}

.c {player}

embed, object {width:190px; height:33px;}

.c {display pic}

.profileinfo a img {width:90px;}

.c {text}

* {font-size:9px !important;}

.c {hides url}

.userprofileurl {display:none;}

.c {shrinks contact table}

.contacttable td a img {width:90px; height:18px;}

.latestblogentry td {height:0px; line-height:8px}

.c {hides bottom links}

table div {display:none;}

div table div, table table div {display:block;}

.c {hides search}

body div table td form {display:none;}

.c {shrinks tables}

td.text table {width:100% !important;}

table table td img {display:none;}

table table table td img {display:inline;}

table td td {width:0px;} table {width:400px;}

table table {width:auto;} table table td {padding:3px;}

table table table td {padding:0px;}

table table table {width:220px !important; height:0px;}

td.text td a img {width:auto !important;}

table table table table table,

table table table table table td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.c {skinny comments}

.blacktext10 {font-size:9px;}

.friendscomments table td b a {font-size:8px}

.friendscomments td.text table {width:100%!important;}


.friendscomments td {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendscomments embed, .friendsComments object,

.friendscomments img {max-width:220px; _width:220px;}

.friendscomments a img {max-width:220px; _width:50px;}

.imgonlinenow {width:80px !important;}

.c {tiny friend space}

.friendspace td, .friendspace,

.friendspace table {width:0px !important; padding:0px !important;}

.friendspace a img {border:0px;}

.friendspace td a {visibility:hidden; font-size: 0px;}

.friendspace td a img {visibility:visible; width:60px; height:60px;}

.friendspace td td td {line-height:0px;}

.friendspace td.text table {width:100% !important;}

.redlink {visibility:visible !important; font-size:11px !important;}


Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?

juss lokk up skinny myspace layouts in google or sumthin or its usually on websites like skinny layouts and stuff liek thta or if you want hte one you have rite now look up a code to make myspace layouts skinny.

Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?


Where can i find the code to make my myspace layout a skinny one?'s an awesome website

enjoy!!! love meeeehhh i hope my answer is da best answer!!!

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