i want to make my own skinny layout for myspace but cant find any websites that will give me a generator that will make it skinny how I want it
How can i make my own skinny myspace layout?
go to createblog.com and look under "minimal" second page should have one.
or just use this. put this into your "about me" section.
Layout made by %26lt;a href="http://www.createblog.com/layouts/... title="More layouts by this person"%26gt;This Confession%26lt;/a%26gt; at %26lt;a href="http://www.createblog.com/layouts/... title="More Myspace layouts"%26gt;CreateBlog.com%26lt;/a%26gt;.%26lt;style%26gt;/* myspace codes provided by createblog.com */%26lt;/style%26gt;
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How can i make my own skinny myspace layout?
slim fast
How can i make my own skinny myspace layout?
Could you explain skinny? You might want to try a div layout. Go to createblog.com and look around for div layouts, there's an artist called 'digital fragrance' who has some. If you find something you like, but it doesn't work quite like you want, change the html to suit your needs.
How can i make my own skinny myspace layout?
Premade skinny profiles,
Make any profile skinny,
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